Thursday, 26 January 2012

Lecture 8 - Jean Baulliarde and Post Modernism

We are at the back end of post modernism now. 
The thought that new forms of social life would emerge
IN the 1970 - 80's - texts of the mirror of production - he integrated the rise of mass media into this analysis and argued about engagement....that saturate our productions
Baudrillard - Hypereal world that is called reality
No natural link with the pre-exsting reality that the image 
Silacra became dominant form
Post modern world around = continual bombardation of similacra

LABOUR - concept of how we shape our environment through our industry, and how our own experiences are routed in and changed through our environment
Marxist - how we become removed from this environment
'Universal condition for the metabolic condition between man and nature.'
Products - commodities = they have a exchange value. One commodity can be exchanged for another - food / tools - you are instantly weighing them against each other e.g. how many oranges is a pint of milk worth?
Some commodities are quantitate not qualitative. This is now exchanged for money - extraction for use value. THis gives market places - all of a sudden our contact with the physical world becomes transformed. Our relationship to the world becomes indirect. 

We work for money - work and external existance becomes - distance from products as you are making them for someone else. 
The labour is valued - its abaility to generate exchange. Peoples labour also becomes a commodities - to be brought and sold for a wage, which can then be exchanged for other physical commodities.
Marx - a simple object e.g. table = commodity, this changes into a think which transcends is physical existance, it stands with feet on grown and also can be exchanged for other commodities. 
We are continually engadge with using and swapping commodities. 

5 dollar - 8 hour day = part of what was required in a car assembly line - also meant to provide workers with enough wages and enough leisure tie

Post war period - there was a boom of mass production - especially of consumer items. 

Beer advert - the imagery represent that it is a first clarr beer (but it actually isnt). Putting the beer in a champagne flute - and juxtaposing the image with a meal that you would get in a classy restraurant. 
The rise of marketing - Baudrilard claimed that...
Companies will find ways to make something that consumers will feel happy with
Advertising generates associations between the product and the customer. 
The consumer sense of the products usefullness is succeeded and
READ UP ON NOTES (good to add into essay)

Buying the car - displacing the charactistic - confirming our status and character by having this type of car
The language and publicity is used in the world around us to try and find fullfillment 

Media representations can shape concrete social events. Huge explosion of the huge symbols of american power - chosen purposely by Al Qaida. These seem to be disturbing reminiscent of Hollywood films. He feels that these are indications are shaped by the simulations of macerater. 

It invades political policy. This is recorded in opinion pols and then counted by positions. 
In the thick of it - good example of a film how everything can be changed, influenced and represented by the media. 
Era where processes come to a stand still
Eutopic vision of modernity - leaves no exit. Baudrilard states - post modernity is a game, we are playing with he left overs of what is being distorted. This is why it is POST - history has stopped. For him - we are post history, because the colonisation of reality through sacra - progress of materials has come to an end. 
Clip - American Psycho - Intro to Patrick Bateman
Disturbing mask - every aspect of his life is matched against the products that he uses and hence the statements that they product and hence he has formed his personality / characteristics through these and his routine. 

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